Spring Pre-Tryouts Skates 2025
Come skate with Coach Greer to give your child a competitive edge for the upcoming Tryout Season!
Recommended Ages: 8-13
Tryout Level: Select - Rep (B, BB, A - Girls & A, AA - Boys)
Not sure if this program is a good fit for your child? Is your child is outside of the recommended age range? Email Coach Greer to inquire.
5% Sibling Discount
See code in Registration Form
Starting soon! Not able to make all 4 sessions? Do a single session drop-in! Sessions can also be combined between Mondays and Tuesdays! Ask Greer about combining lessons at the prorated cost!
Monday Mornings in March/April
Mondays 7am - March 17, 24, 31 & April 7
Ted Reeve Bubble
$75+hst - Single Session
$260+hst - 4 Sessions
$520+hst - 8 Sessions (Monday Mornings & Tuesday Evenings)

Tuesday Evenings in April
Tuesday 6pm - April 1
Tuesdays 5pm - April 8, 15, 22
Ted Reeve Main Building
$75+hst - Single Session
$260+hst - 4 Sessions
$520+hst - 8 Sessions (Monday Mornings & Tuesday Evenings)

Register HERE
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